Feature Image Verbiage & Placement

The feature title should span two lines, description less than 175 characters, and title below image.
Documentation For All

For more information about migrator and marketing director tasks, review the documentation.
Feature Image Size & Location

300x300px, less than 300KB, stored in /util/images/home-features folder
What's been happening around Hospital Pro Vol. 2 for CRM Team
Custom News Content Code
Along with having a field in the widget to bring in extra content, a .vtl file. Create and upload your file and put the path to the file in the widget.
Promo News Content
This section is content that can be filled out using the 'Promo News Content' field in the Adaptive Tabs widget.
Custom Content Tab One
This is a one of the two 'free' tabs that can be used in the adaptive tabs.
Custom Content Tab One
This is the second of the two 'free' tabs that can be used in the adaptive tabs. There are times that people will use that tab to direct visitors to the Class and Event CRM module.