The Basecamp Template is a checklist that outlines every task in the HUT launch process. At the beginning of the project, the Web Project Manager will send a link to the project's unique Basecamp page. Use Basecamp to assign tasks, communicate, upload files (images, content, etc.) and track progress.

We have identified seven (7) stages of the HUT launch process, and each stage contains its own tasks that must be completed sequentially to move on to the next stage. These stages include:

  • Project Orientation
  • Content Planning
  • Content Migration
  • QA
  • Facility Review
  • Launch
  • Post-Launch

Each task includes information to designate what role is needed to complete each task.

  • Resource: This would be either a resource from the Field or eHC. If the task is marked 'Field' and there is not a resource available, contact the Web Project Manager to see if one can be supplied by eHC.
  • Role: This lists the job role needed to complete this task. (i.e. content-migrator, developer, etc.)
  • Description: A brief explanation of the task.
  • Link to Documentation: Not all tasks require documentation. A link will only be listed if necessary.

The Web Site Administrator will need to assign out any tasks with 'Field' assigned as the resource. Use the 'Role' to determine what team member will need to perform each task.