The content strategy portion of this process is the most important. There will be further modifications to this process as we improves with time and experience. Use the content report to:

  • Weed out non-performing pages.
  • Organize content for a better user experience.
  • Relate content structures to one another
  • Outline and prepare content for the migrator

The Report:

The report is separated into two spreadsheets; Web Page content and Service content.

Web Page content spreadsheet:

  • Section 1
    • ID - Shows the current folder structure. As content is being updated, these IDs can be used to code the files and help the migrator readily find the changes.
      • 1 = Main nav folder
        • 1.1 = content page in that folder
        • 1.2 = second page in folder
          • 1.2.1 = content inside 1.2's folder
        • 2 = Main nav folder
    • Title - Current page title
    • Friendly Name - this is the current friendly name
  • Section 2
    • URL - Current URL path
    • Friendly Name Change? - New friendly name if changing - if not leave blank
    • Redirect? - Did the page name, folder structure, or anything else change? Are you not migrating this page? If so put YES in this field.
    • URL Change? - Did the page name or folder structure change? If so, put YES in this field.
    • New URL - Put the new URL for this content here. If you are redirecting content because this page is not being migrated, but the page you wish people to land on when attempting to view the 'old' page.
    • Page Views - your analytics will tell you how many views pages received. This number will help you determine whether or not this page needs to be migrated.
    • Notes - Any notes that will help the migrator. If this page is actually going to need to be a menu link that will lead to another page, something specific needs to be in the side bar, etc.
  • Section 3
    Marketers will need to check images and make sure they have the original image and proof they purchased the image. They will also determine whether or not this page will be moved over to the new site.
    • Images - what images on the page will be used on the new site
    • Image Copyright - Yes or No: is there proof of ownership
    • Migrate?Y/N - YES if this page will be used on the new site
  • Section 4
    The migrator can use these fields to keep track of what has been migrated and what is left to do. Use the notes field for any questions or statement concerning the page.
    • Launch Date
    • Review
    • Date
    • Reviewer
    • Republish Date
    • Notes

Service content spreadsheet:

  • Section 1
    • ID - Shows the current folder structure (Like above).
    • Title - Current page title
    • URL - Current URL path
  • Section 2
    • Category - This is where you place the unique service category
    • Group/Feature - List if a Group or a Feature. These items will show on the services landing page.
    • General(YES/NO) - YES would mean this is a service type
    • Article(YES/NO) - Yes would mean this is an article type
  • Section 3
    • Redirect? - Did the page name, folder structure, or anything else change? Are you not migrating this page? If so put YES in this field.
    • URL Change? - Did the page name or folder structure change? If so, put YES in this field.
  • Section 4
    • New URL - Put the new URL for this content here. If you are redirecting content because this page is not being migrated, but the page you wish people to land on when attempting to view the 'old' page.
    • Page Views - provided by analytics to show the performance of each page
    • Notes - Any notes for the migrator to help them know how to set up the page
  • Section 5
    • Migrate? Y/N> - YES if this page will be moving to the new host

Preparing the spreadsheet

Prior to sending the spreadsheet to a migrator, be sure to identify and label the different types of paths content will take. We suggest using a color-coding system. We have suggested colors, but feel free to choose your own. We do ask that you keep the color choices consistent across your division to avoid confusion.

Also feel free to resort the items, especially where there are changes in folder structure. Be careful to not delete rows or columns; this could result in missing out on important informaton such as a redirect for a page being eliminated.


  • Content to migrate: page will be moved over directly - no changes in copy or folder structure
  • Content Updated: The page has been evaluated by marketing director or another team member and edits have been made and a note as to where those changes can be found.


  • Folder Structure Change: content has not changed, but the location of the page has been changed
  • Content has been updated: need a note where changes can be found - Need new location page
  • Content is not being migrated but will still need to have a landing page to avoid 404 errors